Monday, October 6, 2008

Ding Darling mini-slam 01/23/08

I was on the water at the first launch at 8:10 and i headed straight out to
McIntrye Creek to check out this reputed "trout hole"...more like a trout orgy,
practically every single cast from 8:30-09:30 landed a fish, i took pictures of the
first five in a row and then i stopped counting or taking pictures, i went through
two DOA rootbeer shrimp before i switched to a terror eyez and with the added
depth i started nailing brigger trout, nothing over 20" though. I eventually got
bored after who knows how many trout and decided to chase down the slam, i
worked the points and holes and was rewarded with a small red and snook, both
on the terroreyez, i was off the water by 2pm, home by 5:30, and now i'm going
to go fry the two specs i brought home. Not the biggest fish but i sure did have a
nice time out on the water

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